- (from Latin, meaning “growth”) is an emerging artistic style pioneered by a renowned watercolor artist Misha Lenn in the second decade of the XXI century.

The style relies on the interpretive abilities of the spectator to incorporate artistic renderings with their personal perceptions, emotions and ideas into an Augmented sense of reality, this completing the artwork in their own mind.

This is accomplished through a confluence and convergence of graphics, thoughts and emotions into a holistic psychedelic reality generating mental imagery that is unique to every individual.
The style formed organically from many artistic movements preceding it. Most influential for “Augmento” are the erotic symbolism of Klimt, Picasso’s fusion of past and present, the aesthetic eroticism of Beardsley and Escher’s dynamic representation of infinity to name but a few.

Augmento distinguishes itself from other styles and artists who perceive and depict an artistic rendering onto a medium thus ending the process of creation. Augmento adds another dimension which is only limited by the interpretive abilities of the spectator.
Augmento defines these stages as Perception and Dynamics.

Stage I, Perception; is the depiction of what the artist sees or imagines. Perception may exhibit itself as the completed artistic rendering that stands on its own.

Stage II, Dynamics; This is where the artist elicits a calculated emotional and intellectual response from the spectator who will in turn complete the artistic rendering in the minds’s eye creating a nexus of past, present and future as well as movement and emotion contemporaneously.
Augmento is a personal journey where one is liberated and empowered to create and contribute to the artists’ vision creating a virtual graphic saga. This bouquet of feelings, thoughts and visual perception transforms a passive spectator into an artist leading to self-discover.
Following articles are about Misha Lenn and the style "Augmento".
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